I’ve always fantasized that someone (maybe that someone will be me one day) would make the perfect desperation full length movie. There’s really nothing available out there exactly how I’d like to see it. It would be a full 90 minutes with a full script, scenarios that tie in together & acting as well as great long desperation. I just wanted other peoples feedback on if they think it’s a good idea or whatever.
The story would be something like this: Setting would be a group of college aged girls that live in a house together. The day is “Black Friday” (in the US it’s a HUGE sale day where there are sometimes riots at the Walmart, LOL) and some of the girls want to get out to the mall (where it’s very crowded, long line ups to the restrooms & accidents are bound to happen!) while some of the girls go to school & to work. That way it makes for a lot of different realistic day-to-day scenarios, like one girl has a test that day & is struggling in classroom. Another girl perhaps could work as a makeup artist or cashier & can’t wait until breaktime. At the end of the day they could all be at the house talking about what happened to them & them dress up to go out drinking/clubbing, which would set the scene for a grand finale. I’d definately want girls who can remember their lines & act but still do a real desperate scene perfectly. I would want to shoot it very differently than how I’ve been shooting the scenes now, quite the opposite. Nice steady shots on a tripod, like a real TV movie Y’know? Lots of great editting instead of the one shot deal that I’ve been doing. Anyways, I’ll keep fantasizing about this movie & how it could work out before I keep on rambling.
I do want to get your opinions on what you think of the idea & would you pay more for the DVD if a feature full length movie were to happen?
It would defiantely involve lots of extras & background people as well as good locations, etc. Just a thought. Please leave comments on here, thanks!