Marla & Sheila Duo
This weeks (or should I say last week, November 24th new video update) has the great team of Marla & Sheila. Awhile back we did an awesome gusher of a wetting where they were both locked out on the hotel balcony and ALL THEIR PEE cascaded off the balcony 20 stories below!! It was hilarious as we had NOT anticipated any of that & I failed to look at the balcony structure… I only wonder if anyone got hit with some flying pee floors below. LOL
This time there’s a nice soaking bedwetting scene paired up with tight blue jeans wetting. Sheila plays the ole hand in water trick on a passed out Marla and when her floodgates open, it shows up perfectly on the light leggings she is wearing and her yellow pee stains the white bedsheets all over!! Seriously, Marla is a small girl… I don’t know where she stores it all but she has quite desperate by the time she filmed this one.
Enjoy the new wetting video w/ Marla & Sheila & please PLEASE do NOT stream it from the server but DOWNLOAD IT ONTO YOUR COMPUTER! That way you have it to keep forever, whenever and it’s better for both of us!
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